Subject: Faux TeX fonts sample gifs Author: Selwyn Hollis Uploaded By: Ssselwyn Date: 11/16/1996 File: Faux_TeX_gifs.sit (45260 bytes) Estimated Download Time (26119 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 131 Equipment: Mac Needs: System 7 Keywords: TEX LATEX MATH SYMBOLIC SYMBOL LIBRARY: DWP:Font Samples Keywords: TEX LATEX MATH SYMBOLIC SYMBOL This file contains gifs of three TrueType fonts: Symbolic, MathMode, and KahoeTech. Each of these contain characters that are facsimiles of letters and symbols that one would get from TeX or LaTeX in "math mode." None of them is intended for text. The package includes handy keystroke charts in Adobe Acrobat format. Symbolic is an alternative for the standard Symbol font. It can be used as the font for symbols and Greek letters in equation editors such as MathType and the baby version of MathType that comes with Microsoft Word under the name of ``Equation Editor." MathMode contains the full Roman alphabet, plus lots of symbols and Greek letters. KahoeTech can be used for creating simple to moderately complex mathematical expressions without special formatting of subscripts and superscripts and without tedious kerning adjustments. It can be used easily and with beautiful results in even the most basic word processors. For those unfamiliar with TeX (pronounced "tech", as in "technology") and LaTeX, these are highly sophisticated programming languages designed primarily for typesetting books and articles that contain a lot of mathematics. This font is in no way intended to be a substitute or replacement for TeX/LaTeX. It is only intended to provide a means by which users of TeX/LaTeX can have some degree of typographic consistency between documents that they create in TeX/LaTeX and those that they create using other software, such as ordinary word processors and graphic design programs. Of course, anyone who uses the Mac to produce technical documents of any kind can benefit from the elegant, professional look of this font. Faux TeX fonts ----- $10 shareware Selwyn Hollis The contents of this file were checked for viruses with SAM 4.0.8.cb